How to become an author
- know how to create interesting and high-quality content;
- love writing for a large audience and getting feedback;
- ready to share personal experience with our readers.
- large audience;
- active promotion: we promote publications in social networks, mailing lists and using push notifications;
- good fees - more on that below.
What topics are of interest to the ReText.AI audience?
We love content based on real experiences. The most popular format is stories at the intersection of two topics: business (business processes, HR, time management, finance, psychology ...) and Internet marketing (content marketing, SMM, SEO, context, web development, web design, CRM...).
Stories about business + online marketing make up the bulk of the content on our blog. This is the content for which the audience loves our project and for which they come here.
Freelancing topics, strictly speaking, do not belong to "business". But here it all depends on the content - we are ready to consider your material on this topic.
What materials are of no interest to us at all?
Copywriting articles about something in which the author has no experience. Where there is theory and no practice. Self-promotional publications also do not cause delight.
What are the content requirements?
It doesn't matter how many characters are in the article. What matters is the benefit to the audience and the structured and engaging presentation of the material. Do not set yourself the goal of typing a certain number of characters. Write as much as you need to fully cover the topic.
Design requirements, writing tips, rules for communicating with the editors - all this is in the editorial policy. Use the document as a step by step guide.
How to apply for material consideration?
It is better to first send not a finished article, but a three-line synopsis with an answer to the question “Why should our audience read this material this month.” The letter should contain 5-7 short abstracts that reveal the essence of the material.
If the editorial board is satisfied with the abstract, it will offer you to send the full text.
How much do we pay?
The average author's fee is from 3,000 to 12,000 rubles. The exact amount is calculated after the delivery of the text, depends on the quality and completeness of the material provided. For those who work with us on a permanent basis, the rate may increase.
We cooperate with the self-employed and individual entrepreneurs. We pay for the work under the contract after we have accepted the text. We make payments once a month.
What if my article is not accepted?
If the article can be improved, we send the corrections to the author. But it happens that the article does not suit us in any way or it is impossible to finalize it to the required level - in such cases we give a refusal.
In case of refusal, will my article be published under a false name?
Of course not. If the material is interesting to us, it is easier and more pleasant to finalize it with a real author and pay him, and not someone else. In addition, we often offer long-term cooperation to the authors of the materials they like.
I sent the material, but there is no answer...
We respond to all applications, even if the material does not fit. If you submitted an article but didn't get any feedback, don't worry. Our editors check all articles within 5-10 working days, so you will definitely get an answer.